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Mvo-p – Various Resources That Have Been Key For Kevin A. Sensenig

By Kevin A. Sensenig

These are various resources related specifically to Mvo-p, in that they have been key for me.  Review them for relevance, or for potential insight.  You'll have many resources, yourself, to point to; or, others in society.  There is much in thought and practice, both ancient and modern.

Tai Chi

Beginning Tai Chi by Tri Thong Dang

This book and its practice may be helpful in one approach to physical stance, and body-breath-mind-world-space.  Note that by physical stance, I mean not only the individual, but the individual in context of the abstract-and-material (immaterial and physical world).  That is, then, what is the following situation: tree, road, sidewalk, house, person, what, why, what in mind – and going somewhere (body-breath-mind-world-space)?  This is simultaneous arising.  Tai chi can help in poise, flexibility, subtle strength, and body-mind awareness, and yield a real tactile space or sense.  There are many approaches to tai chi.

Edward Tufte

Envisioning Information by Edward Tufte.
Beautiful Evidence by Edward Tufte.
The Visual Display Of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte.
Edward Tufte's website: www.edwardtufte.com.

Edward Tufte's works are examples of rigorous and honest thought, deeply reasoned and dimensioned.  If nature and our own created world can be so wonderfully modeled, represented, or abstracted in display, print, diagrams, charts, art, science, and architecture, then what of the originals?  (Yet the models, representations, and abstractions become part of our own created world -- its own thing!)  And this all brings to mind the person, and in fact all of the mvo-p terms and their actualities -- and the many things each of us can bring to the table.  I recommend Tufte's works for the interested individual, and for the psych team.  This dimensional read to things should infuse psychiatry.

Marvin Minsky

The Society Of Mind by Marvin Minsky.
The Emotion Machine: Commonsense Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, And The Future Of The Human Mind by Marvin Minsky.
Inventive Minds: Marvin Minsky On Education
by Marvin Minsky and others.

Minsky presents many ideas on how we think and why -- and act.  He suggests that in considering these things, psychologists work with many smaller theories, instead of trying to explain things in terms of a few general principles.  I myself bring Zen to his work, and while I find exceptions, there is so much that he describes or introduces that is useful -- and I recommend his work as study material for the interested individual, and for the psych team.  Again, to talk about the mind is itself a key step, that I suggest psychiatry pick up on.  Then, to discuss mind, truth, the actual world, and reality -- and various standpoints on that.


For Zen resources that I've found useful, see my set of Zen Resources That Have Been Key.  These have formed, along with zazen and the everyday, the material for my own practice, and has yielded for me a dimension-temporal space to work with.  Everyone will have their own approach to this world.


Categories by Aristotle.
On Interpretation by Aristotle.

I have yet to complete each of these, but there's already material to work with, and it should be useful to probe it more deeply.  It might be that Zen knows how to work with this -- and to penetrate in a different direction, or to a more profound state, while acknowledging the truth or observations in it; but it may be entirely useful for an etched introduction to some fundamental tools for some, and useful in any case.  For instance, he denotes a verb as a symbol-idea-fact involving time: and says his favorite tense is the present moment!  So we can look at the present moment, and its significance, while realizing that Buddhism speaks of the three times the past the present and the future, and again the nature of the present moment within reality; and my own Zen view (perhaps consistent with Dogen's view) that sees our very wake-statedness as being this unfolding at-once of the inter-realized and mutually-awakening three times, in the present moment -- and that is the space we move in; and time arises from our very being-action-quietude (neither being nor non-being).  See Dogen's Shobogenzo Uji for his presentation "Being-Time", a wonderful phrase itself.  It's from Dogen's essay and my own Zen practice and experiential-observational that I get this way of existence and view.  I also needed to contemplate significant parts of the Lankavatara Sutra.

Aristotle, in On Interpretation, introduces the universal and the individual, and the affirmation and the denial.  He says that an affirmation or denial is single if it is a statement of one fact about some one subject.  This can be useful discipline -- and then to see this as part of an interconnected unfolding meaning that one might perceive or speak of.  It's useful in Zen, too, as one expresses this as the reality-manifest-as-the-form-of-no-form, a way of referencing just this real world, in what one might say.  Yet it is the real world that is the nondual, nondiscriminated real world -- the words are just one expression, and they can just point to it, indicate it, or describe it; and they are not the real world itself.  It is possible to realize the real world in mind.  One can penetrate the words, to realize nondual, nondiscriminated meaning, and thus see the real.  (And, the discrimination and dualities we form are also part of the world, this actual world, but they are delusions, and sometimes frustratingly so!  I may expand on this in a future essay, as I more deeply probe just how this works and shows itself, and as I encounter further situations.)


Tractatus Logico Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein.

Just in the first 15 pages, Wittenstein sets up some entirely useful premises.  Such as, "Logical space is infinite.  And you can always insert a point into logical space."  It may not be complete, but I have to subject it to further scrutiny.  Another one of his statements (the one he leads out on) is, "The world is all that is the case."  I might edit that to, "The world is all that is the case, and its vector (or verb, or present-moment unfolding)."


The Logic Book by Merrie Bergman, James Moor, and Jack Nelson.

A delightful textbook, rigor and schematic.  I need to study it again.  It would be helpful to have this material, in conjunction with Aristotle, and a strong ethic, a deep sense of 'action', and dimension space of one's own, in encountering many situations -- including the psych unit.

Geometry, Physics, And Mathematics

The Foundations Of Geometry And The Non-Euclidean Plane by George E. Martin.

This book is excellent for its cover, its introduction to truth tables and universal qualifiers, and then one interesting thing, that may strike deep: chapter 4 opens with the statement to the effect that, "in an axiom system, one starts with some undefined terms, lists a set of statements about those terms that are axioms, and further axioms or postulates relying on previous axioms.  Definitions are used for brevity."  (You might invent an entire field of mathematics!)  Thus, is this 'undefined' like the Tao, or the 'unformulated truth' of the Diamond Sutra?  Note that in the sense of Nagarjuna's statement, "When we see the fusion of the abstract and the concrete, we see the real world, before us.", physics is the fusion of the abstract (mathematics) and the concrete (matter, bodies, particles) -- and this world in this way is just the physical-mathematical-functional.  (And is a field or a charge or a potential mathematical or material?)  Furthermore, even the physical, material world can be seen to be pratityasamutpada (dependent arising).  So is the physics universe, and the entire universe, at its basis 'unformulated'?  :-)  There certainly does at least, one might ascertain, seem to be the abstract and the concrete, and the fusion of them!  This in itself is so workable, and yields insight and function.

Another example of the fusion of the abstract and the concrete yielding function is this: a window is the fusion of the abstract (the mathematical, geometric abstract rectangle) and the concrete (the wood or steel material of the frame), and the abstract (the mathematical, geometric abstract plane) and the concrete (the glass material that is the window pane), yielding the function, in conjunction with a person, 'to look out the window, and see the sky', or 'to illuminate the room', or 'to open and let in the breeze'.

Analytical Mechanics by Fowles.

This book is interesting because it is a way to visualize.  It also is a clear example of the best physics textbooks: prose description that sets up the situation, a graph to visualize the situation, and the mathematics to describe its reality-and-function.  The book is an undergraduate physics textbook, and I retained it from college.  I am now prepared, via my realized Zen (mind), to study the fundamentals of mathematics and physics, this time truly penetrating the subjects and their meaning, becoming fluent with them.  My approach to math and physics from elementary school thru high school was rote, and linear mind attached to a perceived reified, external, fixed arrow of linear time (that is non-existent; time is an expression of- this very space, being-time, worlds upon worlds within worlds).  My approach now would be dimensional, explanatory, realized structure-and-fluidity.

I have visualized this or that potential, and have to revisit the del-operator, with respect to the mental well-being space and the person.

The thought on rote, linear mind leads to the following.  When we penetrate the matter through the dimension mind that is possible, we see that:

The tree, on its very branch, is manifesting worlds upon worlds.  This is the reality of the branch, along the branch.  Then there is the infinite point, the projection, and the world-space.  There are included worlds, indicated worlds, excluded worlds, partly included worlds, acknowledged worlds, latent worlds, potential worlds, actual worlds, actual-relying-on-potential worlds, thought-worlds, the external world, the present-moment world.  There is the hidden and the manifest.

Justice Theory And Ethics

Six Theories Of Justice: Perspectives From Philosophical And Theological Ethics by Karen Lebacqz.

I first encountered this at Messiah College.  After a long time away, I need to revisit it, for serious study, with the dimensional-appreciative view I have now.  I suggest that works like this -- and the theories-applied Lebacqz cites -- could go far, in society.  Recommended for the interested individual, or for those setting up the premise, the psych unit, and psychiatry.

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