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MVO: 2019 ThesisMental View And Orientation SeriesBy Kevin A. Sensenig 2019 January 24 - 2020 August 30 - 2024 October 19 Dogen Dogen writes, "There is nothing, not a single moment nor a single dharma, that is not part of life. There is nothing, not a single matter nor a single state of mind, that is not part of life." -- Shobogenzo, by Dogen, translated by Nishijima, the essay Zenki (“All Functions”). Dogen (1200-1253) was a Japanese Zen Master and the founder of Japanese Soto Zen. The Introduction PDF To Mvo-p And The MVO: 2019 Thesis If you want to dive in or are looking for another really nice pdf to review, the framework and noumena and sets of things in one concise place, start with my paper... Introduction To Mvo-p And My MVO: 2019 Thesis. Review this and return here, and read the html following. Otherwise, set it aside, and continue as follows. This pdf is also listed below, after the following html introduction to the theme, which has its own type of presentation. Experiential Advocacy 2024 Here are several documents that arise from my advocacy at a Pennsylvania State Hospital, and my observations over the years in the psych system. The first is key for its dimension; and the faceted aspects to an approach for psychology and social work. A Multifaceted Space: Aspects To Treatment In Social Work And Psychology. Individualized Treatment Plan (ITP) Interval Form. My Theme Here -- Introduction MVO stands for 'mental view and orientation'. I've now deepened this to include what had originally been a key concept, and now is the overall framework and context, mvo-p, to point to what I'll term mvo-p psychiatry. This type of mvo-p psychiatry would be dimension, vocabulary, logic, reason, realism, description, the participant, and explanation. It would be the very thing that many of us bring to the table in our day to day lives. It is my thesis that this sort of thing that I describe here should apply not only to the everyday, but to the psych unit setting, with ripple effects to the field of psychiatry itself. Mvo-p psychiatry would be multi-disciplinary. It would be a redefined framework for what is currently present: the present psych unit psychiatry theory/praxis is an inverted world, so narrow in its focus and scope, that tries to broaden its scale to include all of society where it has no firm basis. Even where it does bring something to the table -- meds, as the rule -- when these are in fact apropos and appropriate, even when they are useful, they are set in an inadequate framework. But I feel that psych unit mvo-p psychiatry -- and mvo-p psychiatry writ large -- could offer a significant contribution and play a key role in society. I'm looking to transform the psych unit into a place of factoring-out, mediation, explanation, orientation and re-orientation, and resource -- and it could offer so much to society. It would incorporate philosophy, spirituality, religion, psychology, narrative, speculation on how we think and why, and act, mediation, the dialogic, and the everyday. It would incorporate excellent classes and one-on-one, including diagram-and-description by, with, and for the individual. The individual would be participant, and the merit of the various parties -- including the individual -- would be acknowledged and discussed. The real world would be 'on the table', as would reason and standpoint. No diagnosis and treatment would be rendered 'a-priori decisis', and meds would tend not to be used, but if used, be used within an 'all of the above' framework and praxis. Rights and a sense of and working-with the body-breath-mind-world-space, including mind and truth, would be paramount. Mvo-psychiatry would involve philosophy; spirituality; psychology; narrative; speculation on how we think and why, and act; the social-relational; mediation; the dialogic; diagrams and description by, for, and with the individual; narrative; open dialogues; the everyday; the selective use of the medicinal; the resources and quotes and bibliographies so indicated; and organizational, agency, and state resources. All per individual, with the individual (finally) recognized as a dimension entity, set with others in an arising space, and with description, standpoint, reason, and merit 'on the table'. It would include consideration of the various states: mental states, emotive states, intentional states, and physical states; the basic factors: thought space, energy states, perception, speech and action, and patterns of speech and action; the resilience factors: joy, centeredness, dilemma or no dilemma, questions, perspectives, challenges, and helpfuls and usefuls; the domains of life: the mental, the existential, the social, the societal, the experiential, and the physical; and, within each of the domains of life, the grades of dilemma and no dilemma: crisis dilemma, significant dilemma, part dilemma, no dilemma, and no-dilemma. Each of these things may apply to one degree or another in each of our lives: and the individual in a psych unit setting should be considered in such a dimension way also. This would offer deeper insight into both the grades of dilemma or no dilemma, relevant factors, actualities, and realities -- and treatment and consideration of these -- and would offer just outcomes. This is an 'all of the above' approach, directly speaking to the framework, material, and theory/praxis, in the psych unit. Psych units currently do solve some problems. I saw one interview with a man who said that he had been suicidal, was committed to a psych unit, and found the answers that satisfied him, and resolved his dilemma. This is significant! I feel that in other cases, the individual is not accurately or by any means completely or with dimension represented -- as an individual, with 'all of the above', including standpoint and explanation. These types of situations would yield to better, dimension, in my view more realistic, theory/praxis, resulting in deeper insight and more just outcomes -- and an ability to resolve dilemma or no-dilemma in the various domains of life that I've indicated: the mental, the existential, the social (and the social-relational), the societal, the experiential, and the physical. I feel that psych unit psychiatry should and needs to take up such a redefined framework -- and that many psych unit psychiatrists would take delight in this, as they might see what is from their standpoint proven by reason, the experiential, and the evidence-based. This will take time, and I think study of my Thesis here might prove to be invaluable to the psych unit psychiatrist, the psych team, the corporations that run psych units, the individual, the family, friends, the state, and society. That's the mvo-p approach. My papers do point to the following as being relevant, in the psych unit, and sometimes in various ways in some types of life states: philosophy; spirituality and religion; psychology; speculation on how we think and why, and act; narrative; the social-relational; open dialogues and the dialogic; description and diagrams by, with, and for the individual; excellent classes with discussion; 1 on 1; the everyday; a dimension profile of the individual (indicated in my papers); a total-picture, contextual, and relevance-based description of the situation, from various standpoints; the selective use of the medicinal; and pointers to resources, both in print (from the above), and including state, agency, and organizational resources. Accurate, complete, profile, and standpoint representation of the individual is key, in considering all of this. So are the standpoints of various other roles in any given situation. These wake-state in a relational manner, and this should be kept in mind, by the psych team and by all parties. Again, this type of 'all of the above' mvo-p psychiatry would be dimension, vocabulary, logic, reason, realism, description, the participant, and explanation. It would -- and this is part of my thesis -- in addition to deeper insight and just outcomes in the psych unit, lead to a redefined, more broad, and multi-disciplinary role in society -- to great benefit. See some of my papers. One of the fundamental problems in psychiatry (and this is exemplified in the psych unit) is that it sets aside and omits ‘all of the above’ -- and then replaces it with an interpretation, for each individual, only in terms of a diagnosis of absolute deficiency pointing to (so the theory goes) permanent neurobiogenetic malfunction. But it sets aside all of ‘all of the above’. A second fundamental problem is that it reifies a median of behavior, itself an abstract thing, as the reality, seeing deviation from the median as psychiatrically deficient; whereas the data are naturally variant (human thought, feeling, and experience -- the domains of life -- are vast and varied). A median can be useful, but it is only an abstract singular way to interpret data, or to be a statistical referent, with some meaning. But it is not the actual thought, feeling, and experience, and does not reflect the variance or distribution, and to set it forth as the actual ideal state with variance as deficient rather than explanatory is a key mistake. A third fundamental problem is that it considers neither mind nor truth; and these should be set in the context of the domains of life. These should be recognized in the individual, and various degrees and types of inquiry and perspective noted, and perhaps initiated. We have access to these, our very selves, and this should be respected. Then things can be taken up on merit. A fourth fundamental problem is that it does not recognize the value of language, and of dialogue between the psychiatrist and the individual; and it pre-empts this with its diagnosis of absolute deficiency and its neurobiogenetic theory, ‘a-priori decisis’. So what psychiatry, and especially psych unit psychiatry, needs to do is to replace its current disorders paradigm with an mvo-p paradigm and an ‘all of the above’ framework; and this framework includes the selective use of meds -- but with the actual world and human experience as the framework. If that were what was encountered in a psych unit, or the psychiatrist’s office, or with the psych team and dialogue with family, friends, and colleagues, then the psych unit would be a different place. Not a place of ‘to isolate’ and ‘to pin on alleged failure’ and ‘penalty’ and ‘a-priori decisis’, but a place of dimension, vocabulary, logic, reason, realism, description, the participant, and explanation. Where reason and merit of the individual and others and merit of this or that are on the table. Significantly, the domains of life (the mental, the existential, the social, the societal, the experiential, the physical) would be considered, and the grades of dilemma (crisis, significant, part, no, and no-) would be factored out for each of the domains of life. And the rest of 'all of the above' -- thru to body-breath-mind-world-space. This would lead I suspect to deeper paths for treatment, equable approaches, and just outcomes. There are problems. There are joys. There is merit. There are various degrees and types of orientation, disorientation, and re-orientation. These should, along with the many things, be acknowledged and more profoundly dealt with. This page lists a few sets of papers that I've written recently. The individual in society may want to take note. The individual in the psych system may be able to bring his or her own perspective to the table, and should subject these papers to scrutiny, reason, and the experiential: what holds true. The psych unit psychiatrist or psych team may also glean insight, about ways that a redefined framework for psych unit psychiatry could offer so much -- and where current challenges lie. The totality of the papers is important. My papers are a geometry of reasoning points and meaning; they are etched logic and dimension; they are k-lines and trans-frames; they reflect the observational-experiential; they are a result of my influences, and of my Zen Buddhist practice; they are the result of doing not-doing (wei-wu-wei); and they are the result of the non-intentional. With anyone, these papers should be assessed on their merits, and placed within the context of individual and societal experience. This work is primarily for the field, psych unit psychiatry. A redefined framework would yield a field that is so dynamic, fluid, and structured -- and dimension. Thus, I feel it is worth study and serious attention by the psych unit psychiatrist and medical corporations that run psych units. It's also of significant potential value to the State -- and how it structures the idea 'psych unit mvo-p psychiatry'. This is work that is from my observational/experiential/theoretical -- and applied in my own life. It results from a background of physics (undergrad major), object-oriented programming and ideas (primarily with Objective-C using the OpenStep APIs, and the book "Object Lessons" by Tom Love), the work of Edward Tufte (including "Envisioning Information", "The Visual Display Of Quantitative Evidence", and "Beautiful Evidence"), the work of Marvin Minsky ("The Society Of Mind" and "The Emotion Machine"), and a practice of Zen Buddhism (primarily Rinzai, with some reference to Dogen, and significant reference to Nagarjuna; see references below), and embedded in this my experience in the psych unit system as a patient (and the psych team, including the psych unit psychiatrist, really should treat their patients as individuals and clients; and informed consumers). I have been through multiple psych unit commitments -- and this has led to direct experience and etched observation, set in a Zen Buddhist context, with significant other influences, and has been a key. It, along with my Zen practice and my other influences, has led to my standpoint. I am not a professional in the field of psychology or psychiatry: I am making recommendations for those professions, that psychiatry shift to what I call an mvo-p standpoint, and that psychology become aware of it -- I am making these recommendations from the standpoint of someone with the above background (the previous paragraph), and experiential-observational and potential insight, expressed in various ways. If there is anything of merit, then I encourage and welcome others such as the individual, the family, society, and the state to consider this material. It should always be gauged on merit, actuality, and just what we might consider this real world. Participation And Dialogue I'd like to get a dialogue going in society -- including the everyday yet significant individual, the philosophical, the religious, students, physicists, corporate offices, foundations, government and civic leaders, and those already in the mental well-being space -- about the theory/praxis of psych unit psychiatry and psychiatry writ large -- and a discussion about orientation and meaning. Contact me if you consider the material here and are interested in participating, to start such a dialogue. Realism, Dedication, And Compassion It is such a delight to work on and contribute this material. It is done out of realism, dedication, and compassion. The First Set (Part 1: The Thesis) This first set is for the individual, the psych unit psychiatrist and psych team, society, and the state. Start with the following paper, an initial presentation of my overall mvo-p psych idea: Introduction To Mvo-p And My MVO: 2019 Thesis Consider these: Mvo-p – Psych Context (This had previously been 'Mvo-P' and is an update to that paper.) ‘All Of The Above’ The Mvo-p Psych Model: Symptoms Re-Thought A Key Expression: Mental States And The Experiential The Concise Term (Again!) As One Way To View The Domain (Mvo-p Psych) A Fundamental Description: Several Fundamental Problems In Psychiatry, And Potential Resolution, A Redefined Framework An Actual World-Space, In Contradistinction To Psych Unit Psychiatry’s Strictly Serial-Transfer Neuro-Biogenetic View (That Purports To Explain Everything) I Know Exactly What I Did To End Up In Psychiatryville. They Had To Do With The *Mind*. Important thesis points: The Way Mvo-p Psych Wake-States Among Ideas, In Dimensional And Dependent Arising Ways: Example 1 Provable Axiom System, Minsky, And The Mind The Psychiatric Biogenetic Tinkertoy Model And Its Refutation Then either continue straight through, or read those papers whose titles interest you most. Neither Psychiatry Nor Totally Anti-Psychiatry The Mvo Framework, In This Way (Basis) The Mvo Framework, In This Way (The External World And Relevant Mental Events) From Physics: If It’s Objective, Then It’s Participant; And A Subject Is Also Participant, Of-, From-, And To- Mvo-Psychiatry -- More! More Than 1 Angle, More Than 1 Descriptor Diagrams By And For The Individual -- Squares And Cubes Psych Unit Psychiatrists And The Function Of The Unfolding Relative Psych Unit Psychiatrists Make A Mistake Psych Unit Psychiatry And The Five Skandhas Psych Unit Psychiatry Contradicts And Refutes 'All Of The Above' Things Psych Unit Psychiatry Omits; And Other Paths So Indicated Psych Unit Psychiatrists Assert An Entity (Where There Is None) Psych Unit Psychiatrists And Idea And Praxis (And ‘All Of The Above’) Psych Unit Psychiatry, The DSM, And False Mappings Structural Flaws To The DSM Fundamental Psych Unit Psychiatry Errors (An Outline) Psych Unit Psychiatry’s Mistakes In Basis – A List Let Us Contend Acknowledging A World Polyphony And The Relative We Are Relative To (And Polyphony) Aha! ‘I don’t want to!’ Too Grumpy We’re Allowed To Do A Switch Structural Patterns In DNA Yielding Proto-specialists, And The Mapping Of Ideas DNA (Or, Genetics), Proto-Specialists, And An Unfolding World-Space Aha! A Number Of Terms (Including Proper Neurobiogenetics, And So Much Else That Is Of Dimension) Logic 1.1: Bio-Genetics Or Built-In Mutable Our Thoughts Are Relational; And, Neurobiogenetics The Mutable Mental And Physical, And Meds Expectations And Explanations A Dimension Profile Of The Individual Psych Unit Psychiatrists: Ditto – And Profile Recommendations The Neurobiogenetic View, Zen Buddhism, And ‘All Of The Above’ Psych Unit Psychiatrists: At Present They Are Not This Way At All I Made A Mistake In My Homework, And ‘All Of The Above’ The Density Of Tweets Sophisticated Yet Simplicity (1) Mutually-Awakened Understanding Open Dialogues And Sound Zen Buddhist Basis The Six Senses And The Three Nen Thoughts On Nagarjuna And Nishijima, The Abstract And The Concrete, And Psychiatry Nagarjuna: Memory, Thought, And Fact Of Having Gone (In The Past), Going (In The Present), And Going (In The Future) – One Space It Is The Mind, That Psychiatrists Should Consider Perceptual Awareness And Perceptual Glitch Reflections On Marvin Minsky, “The Society Of Mind”, And Mental States Not Making Mistakes, And Inventiveness: Comments On Minsky Is The Relational Mind? And, Psych Unit Psychiatry Lessons For Psych Unit Psychiatry: The Key Of The Relational (Namgyel: Relationship) Another Fundamental in Psychiatry: A Virtual Line Of Expected Behavior More Fundamental Basis, Of Psychiatry: More On The Median, And ‘Data Are Often Naturally Variant’ Fundamentals: You Cannot, With The Disorders Paradigm The Logic Of A Psych Unit - 1 The Logic Of A Psych Unit (No. 2): Meaning And The Biogenetic Psych Unit Psychiatry Tries To Pre-Empt Or Own What It Does Not Realize, Or Rejects – And It Should Be ‘Mvo-P’ And ‘All Of The Above’ Some Core Psychiatric Tenets; Its Philosophy And Praxis; What Are We As Human Cutting Off Thought, Zazen, And The Psych Unit Fundamental Psychiatric Theory: The Biogenetic (No. 1) A Critique Of Psychiatric Theory As Described On The American Psychiatric Association Website – What Is Psychiatry. (No. 1) Biogenetic Theory Is Indeed The Theory – And They Don’t Even Try To Explain ‘All Of The Above’ But Instead Omit, Contradict, And Reject It A Dimensional Biogenetic View. And The Much More. Notes, In Three Parts (Mvo-p Psych, 2020 April 27) Let’s See If It [A Given Permanent Biogenetic Malfunction] Exists; And, Branch A, B, C The Prajna Approach To Transforming A Non-Existent Entity In The Mainstream View, The Permanent Biogenetic Malfunction Psych Unit Psychiatry: Not The Same As Racism. Similar To Racism, In Some Ways The First Set (Part 2: More Applied Theory) These papers augment my presentation. The De-Serialization Of Human Thought, DBT, And Trans-Frames From Digital Technology And AI: Data Source Thru Integration And Analytics Object-Oriented Programming, Messages, And The Psych Unit The Psych Unit Psychiatrist, The Psych Team, The Mind, And Astronomers Micronemes, Data, Context, And Psych Unit Psychiatry Lipson’s Self-Aware Machines; And, IF... Aha! Gauge Equivariance Paramount: Perceptions, Ideas, And Goals, And World-Space Another Way To State A Point, Vis-A-Vis Minsky (Solving Hard Problems) Zen, The Ten Qualities (Takuan Soho), And The Psych Domain Be Ye Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind Models Of The Mind (The Lankavatara Sutra) The Adept And Mvo-Psychiatry Nagarjuna, Real Practice And Real Action, The Individual, And The Psych Unit Material Characteristics, The Buddha, And Function; And, Psych Unit Psychiatry Two Parables (1) Vis-A-Vis The Psych Unit And Its Context The Approach One Has To The Interpersonal Is Material Wittgenstein, Intelligence, Voices, Mind, And The Neurobiogenetic Theory ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) And Perhaps Some Co-Commitant Factors Basic Notions Of Logic, And The Individual As Participant The WHO ICD And Service User Inputs 2022 – Pivotal Logic 1.3: Another Way To State What I’ve Found (Some Fundamentals Vis-A-Vis Psych Unit Psychiatry) Social Connection And The Mind – And How We Move About In The World We Can Learn New, We Can Realize New, And Variables The Interpretive Function Of Action Illuminating And Scrutinizing Various Situations: ‘Circumstances Are Not Deprived’ A Description! Start With Data Points And A World-Space. Extrapolate… A Theory On Combinatorics, Vis-A-Vis The Individual In Mind: Random Walks, K-Lines, Fundamentals, And Other Things TED Talk: The Opportunity Of Adversity, Given By Aimee Mullins; And Some Mvo-P Comments Possibility: A New Paradigm Of Explanation And Context Behavior As A Map (And, ‘Action Must Be Involved’, And, A Dynamic Read) Another Juxtaposition: A Dimensional That Is Key (Reasoning Points, Etc.) Paths Of Truth, The Participant, And Potential Forms Of This Mental Event A, Event B In The External World, Interval, Space; The Social-Relational; Nagarjuna Mental Function, And Realization A Way… (The Physical, The Mental) Another One From Nagarjuna: The Fusion Of Form And Content PsychoBioSocial, The Space Shuttle, Features, Molecular Computing, And The Mind Multiple Ways Of Looking At Things (At Time A and Time B, Vis-A-Vis The Mind; And Questions On Bio-Architecture) Thoughts, Images, And What We Perceive Psych Unit Potential Response. Structure. Seeds. The Psych Approach. Psych Unit Psychiatry And Truth-Value Statements Consciousness, The Mind, The Spiritual, And Meds (The Anti-Psychotics) And Their Function Form, Mental Well-Being, And Tai Chi (And The Schiz-Like Mind) Some Notes About Two Things: A Sober Space And The Determinant Working With The Reality Of A Table, Today (Zen) The Universe Is A Catenation, The Digital Computer, The Abstract, The Concrete, And The Fusion Of The Abstract And The Concrete Aha! How Is ‘The Surface Of The Table Is Flat’ Represented Hegel, The Ethical System, One’s Realization And Working-With, And The Application Of Philosophy Hegel And Psychiatry; And Wise Steps For The Individual And Per The Psych Unit Nagarjuna, Oneness Between Seeing And That Which Is Seen, The Four Kinds Of Entities, And The Psych Unit Is The Brain Euclidean Geometry Or Non-Euclidean Geometry? A Quanta Magazine Article On A Computer Science Proof And Some Reflections – The Magical Mind And World, Real Undefineds And The Individual, In Terms Of In-Mind, Or Encounted Events In The Mind Or External World Demons Of Two Types; Christianity, Buddhism, And Psychiatry My Notes On The Psychobiosocial States In Physical Education Article In Frontiers In Psychology (And Extrapolation) The Molecule And The Abstract Carrot The First Set (Part 3: For The State And The Individual) For The State And The Individual: The Genuine Psych Unit Psychiatrist For The State And The Individual: The Psych Unit, Representation, Dimension, Deeper Insight, Just Outcomes, And Zen Words Not In The Psych Unit Psychiatry Dictionary Logic 1.2: Part Realization And Significant Logic Aha! The Establishment Clause, Its Interpretation, And The Establishment Of (Secular) Psychiatry As The Dominant Philosophy! For The State: A Proposal For A DHS Post-Psych Unit Survey For The Individual No Training. And: In No Instance In Other Words, Psychiatry Does Not See – Even Claims That All Such Does Not – That The So Much In Real Life Applies The Second Set This second set is more for the individual and interested psych team, family, friends, colleagues, and so forth. It is meant to be material to work with, in several ways, and touches on or would simply augment so much that is available, in other resources: philosophy; spirituality; psychology; speculation on how we think and why, and act, etc, that one could look into. It's done in the spirit of inquiry. Logical Space, And A Contradictory Situation Finding Strength -- Lessons From An Ice Hockey Game Inseparable Points A, B, And C – And Recognizers Society Of More And Mental Space The Infinite Point What Kind Of Mental Space Do You Create? The Space You Create The Projection Psychosis – Practice Delay, Then Work With Thoughts On Illumination, This Morning ‘Default-Participant’ Entire Worlds, And A Given Set Of Data Points The Individual, An Unfolding Space, And Observations Memory, Context, Newly Illuminated, And The Present Moment The Third Set This third set is just a collection of some observations and ideas. Email: More, On Romeo And Juliet Two Theories: Gap Junctions, Electric Potential, And The Del-Operator; And Wake-Stating Different Networks 3-Space Neurons And Thoughts, And Wf(t) - 1 Meds Design As A Very Philosophy The U.S. Constitution, The States, Corruption Of The Blood, And ‘All Of The Above’ Jack, Jill, And The Baseball Bat 2 New Disorders For The DSM! – Psychiatric Disorder And A-Priori Decisis Disorder Adenosine Triphosphate As Yendred The Fourth Set This fourth set is some models of or questions about psychosis. I think the domain is more tractable than psych unit psychiatrists give it: and they don't ever discuss say Minsky's 'mental representations of the external world, and relevant mental events' (from his book "The Emotion Machine, p. 49). What are these, how do we represent or talk about them, and how do they interconnect? Are there grades to various types of thought, and thought-mental-physical-world? Etc. This section is for the layperson and for the psych professional. Psychosis In Dimension: A Fundamental Shift Tao Te Ching, Psychosis, Meds, Minsky, And Psychiatry The Joy Of Feynman! (And The Right Combination Of Behavior) If … (Psychotic, The Routine, And Perimeter Questions) Further Questions On The Psychotic States: Spinoza, Minsky, And Zen The Fifth Set This fifth set is mock science articles. One should not take them seriously, at all. They are baseless, after all. Mock Science Article: “Scientists Discover That Emotion Content And Thought Sequences Are Generated By Neurobiogenetics!” Background The following is a background note with respect to my digital computing technology resume. It provides an example of my type of activity and action and study -- and activation of various influences and the practice of Zen. I hope that it reflects my spirit -- and the type of standpoint I've tried to bring to the papers and resources here. A Thank-You Note, And My MVO 2019 Thesis Background (Technology Resume) This following is a background document, on what I myself brought to the table, and found, 1998-2019. Note the trajectory. Perspectives On My Activities, 1998-2019 The following is a striking observation: another background document. Resolved! (From Dogen’s Bendowa: When Buddhas…) The following is both hilarity and profound -- and indicates some Zen truth. This Describes My 2017 Event Perfectly, In This Way (Oracle Solaris Zones, And Sandbox) The following is another reflection on my 'r&d'. More Reflections On The Trajectory Of Mine, This Time From Quantum Physics The following is some of what I've worked with in my own Zen practice. Feel free to bring your own views and perspectives to the material; and see if the material resonates with anything you've seen or experienced. My Zen Writings (Some Observations) Note The mind and the social-relational can be tricky or straightforward. May each person find a way to work with themselves and we-and-the-world in a depth and participant way, and strengthen that in others.
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